10 July 2007

Proposed letter

The Philadelphia Regional Anti-War Network (PRAWN) invites you to become part of the coalition to help bring an end to this war. In order for the peace movement to be successful we need to join forces whenever possible. In this spirit of cooperation, we invite your organization/membership to join us this summer as we present a series of peace/anti-war movies with accompanying panel discussions. Our proposal is to have the movies in various locations in the region, co-hosting/co-sponsoring with all of your groups and members. We would love your input, suggestions and ideas.

Our hope is that in the future, we can support each other’s vigils, actions, and legislative alerts, etc, to mobilize our combined membership base to push our representatives to end this war! Together we CAN DO IT!

To kick off this "mission" our first event will be on June 24th from 1-3p.m. at the Friends Center at 15th and Cherry St, which has graciously agreed to provide the venue for the screening of (need the name of the film). Please join us, bring some snacks to share, and your ideas for the next summer movie screening. We are hoping to hold them on the 4th Sunday of each month (unless this conflicts with other peace groups and their meetings)

The peace movement suffered a loss this week as Cindy Sheehan stepped down to attend to her family and her personal needs. She mentioned that one of the biggest hurdles was getting the various peace groups to work together, let us take that as a challenge to prove that indeed, it can be done. Please RSVP to: prawn@lists.riseup.net to indicate your personal or organizational interest in this or future collaborations.


Send to:
pda-nj@googlegroups.com (distribution list 4 PDA-NJ),
penn-fsawi@ccat.sas.upenn.edu (Uof P anti-war Group),
A-Space@defenestrator.org (The A-Space Collective),
PDSJ@googlegroups.com (PDSJ Google), the_progressive_resistance@yahoogroups.com (ProgressiveResistance),
GCUC-discussion-list@topica.com (GCUC ),
huemyn@aol.com (Bill Tuttle),
PDNJ@promessage.com (PDNJ PDNJ),
mcdowe56@students.rowan.edu (TJ TJ),
phillywib@yahoogroups.com (Women in Black), philly@studentsforademocraticsociety.org (SDS SDS),
brandywine@juno.com (Bob Smith),
camdencountygreens@yahoogroups.com (camdencounty greens)
new-jersey-impeach-group@googlegroups.com (NJ Impeach Bush impeach group),
Mainerocks@aol.com (Susan McBride) for MOVE ON
BpVETforPEACE@aol.com (Bill Perry),for Del Valley Veterans for America
philly@worldcantwait.org (steve) for World Cant Wait
peacecatphilly@yahoo.com (Cassie MacDonald) for Sacred Heart Peace Community
peacehome@earthlink.net (david gibson) for Delaware County Peace Action
greenseed@comcast.net (Terry Rumsey) for Delaware County Wage Peace and Justice
pichounete@comcast.net (Frugier Monique) for Bryn Mawr Peace Coalition, et al
Grannies brigade: Nina Huizinga ,
I will forward to both Code Pinks on the yahoo group, as you need to be a member to post.--Debi

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